Concrete ‘Bollwerk’
150 x 300 cm, concrete, sulfates, iron, 2018.

The fact of migration distinguishes those living beings able to move around freely from those who cannot as a higher lifeform because it has given evolutionary advantage over organisms without this ability.

To move means to go beyond a limit that defines one space against another, separated by a frontier that delimits the inside from the outside, which are different from each angle of observation. This limit operates as the skin that includes and excludes, and above all, protects certain interests only.

Lost in Translation I,II,III
30 x 30 cm each, concrete, sulfates, iron, 2018.

Concrete “Bollwerk” XH:
30 x 90 cm, concrete, sulfates, iron, 2019.


Lost in Translation IV,V,VI
30 x 30 cm each, concrete, sulfates, iron, 2018.